Monday, October 17, 2011

How to spot a bad SEO client

How to spot a bad SEO client

Any business is a good business or as long as  you get paid those are some rules that we have when it comes to clients  specially if you’re a freelance SEO specialist or a newly started company. However not every client can be profitable for you. In some cases it is better for bussines to walk away from a client in order to make more money latter on.  A bad client will try to get free work out of you, have you agrovated, and waste your time.  In the end you will end up spending more of your time trying to get information from them, waiting to respond to your emails and ect. I have came up with a list of warning signs you can look in your client that can tell you that it maybe batter to move on even if the money are good.
·      Ask for you to do a keyword reashearch for free
·      Ask you to do a keyword reashearch but then insist on the keywords that they think will represend their business batter.
·      Un willing to listen to your advice.
·      If you have to go trough a middle man.
·      Ask if they have a webdeveloper, wedesigner how will you communicate with them and have a meeting with them to see how SEO friendly they are.  If the webdevoper knows how to write a clean code and if they worked with SEO before and if webdesinger is a SEO friendly.  If not then you be frusturated trying to convince them to change something but they be relactunt either from luck of knowledge or not wanting to compromise their design.
·      If the designer of the website is related to the owner or whoever is going to make decisions. If that person and the designer are family all your suggestions will feel like attacks to them. They might feel that they will have to protect the honor family and will be unwilling implimanting change.
·       If they ask your advice and then argue with you about every detail.
·      If they treaten you that they leave you cause there are many software options and other places that offer lower rate.
·      If the clinet don’t respect you, your time.
·      If they want you do something that  goes against yoru beliefs or something shady or illegal
·      If they realy on SEO/online marketing to bring all their leads.

In conclusion meet with the client multiple times and see if you guys click on or not present them with your plan of actions. Ask them as much questions is possible about what they expect from you and how involved they are planing to be in the  compain. In the end its your decision does the client fit in with your goals and where you see your bussines going. Is he going to take up to much of your time.

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